We have a name for our game, of course, but we needed to come up with a name for our company! We had a massive brainstorming session and came up with a huge list of words to incorporate. These are some of the highlights...
Flying Fox
Worthy Sophisticate (From a random word generator)
Prehistoric Studios
Bio-digital Jazz
Jerry Rigged
Digital FireFall
Flulminology (The Study of Lightening)
Pony Storm (Lauren's Boyfriend's contribution)
Inverted Spider
22 Calliope (Name of an asteroid)
Dendritic (Derived from 'Dendrite')
Iron Pine Studios (Good, until we realized Iron Pine Peak was a location in Skyrim)
Brick Oven
So... what did we decide on? We shall reveal that another day!
Flying Fox
Worthy Sophisticate (From a random word generator)
Prehistoric Studios
Bio-digital Jazz
Jerry Rigged
Digital FireFall
Flulminology (The Study of Lightening)
Pony Storm (Lauren's Boyfriend's contribution)
Inverted Spider
22 Calliope (Name of an asteroid)
Dendritic (Derived from 'Dendrite')
Iron Pine Studios (Good, until we realized Iron Pine Peak was a location in Skyrim)
Brick Oven
So... what did we decide on? We shall reveal that another day!